Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Clearing the Air

So I've had something of a rough year - not terrible, exactly. But there's been a lot to deal with, between my mysterious illness, quickly followed by my mother's extended illlness, my friends leaving the area, and a general dissatisfaction with my place in life. And none of this is caused by my living space, I know. However, I do sort of believe in energies. Not exactly in the hippie-dippy sense - but I do think that negative people and events give off a negative energy, and that that energy can be absorbed by a place.

So before I move into my new place, I want to cleanse it of any negative energy that might be lingering there from the previous owners, so that I can start afresh in this new place. The idea of cleansing a space is present in many cultures throughout space and time. Many folk cultures within the Muslim world have traditions of space-cleansing, wherin incense is burned and prayers are said. Wiccans often burn incense or herbs to clear a space and make it sacred before performing rituals. And some Native American tribes use white sage to cleanse objects, space, or people of negative spirits. In the Native American tradition, this is called "smudging."

So I've decided to use white sage for my own version of the ritual, since that is what is available to me and what was recommended by the woman at the incense shop around the corner from where I work. Also, from a purely practical standpoint, white sage has a very fresh smell and should chase away any lingering odors of paint, sawdust, or adhesive that the workmen may have left in my apartment. Or anything else that might linger.

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